What is a film trailer?
"The marketing campaign for a film is the different ways in which the films 'message' is presented to potential audiences"
Film trailers are one of the most important parts of a films marketing campaign. They act like an advert for a film and inform potential audiences about the film with the purpose of encouraging them to see the film at a cinema or on DVD. Film companies also use posters to compliment the trailer in order to promote the film more.
The Hunger Games - Mocking Jay Part 1
A good trailer needs to be:
- spoiler free, but needs to hint at revelations
- gives the release date or teases us in order to make us find out more information (internet)
- Social media connections (#mockingjaylives)
- Website (hungergamesexplorer.com)
Why is the film trailer made?
3 film titles =
1. Jupiter Asending
2. Avengers: Age of Ultron
3. Whiplash
Based on just the title of a film audiences can make consumptions about what the content will be and the genre of the film. These three films above, I have not seen before, and from just looking at the title I assumed that...
1. Sci-Fi, futuristic, space, hero and villain
2. War, space, hero and villain
3. Comedy and spoof heroes
My assumptions were correct for the two films, however the third film, Whiplash, was about a drumming and music is general. This was the complete opposite to what I expected. Despite this looking like a negative, making the audience surprised can work in favor of the film company, due to them being unexpected the audience might be more intrigued to find out more and therefore find more promotion online or from other sources.
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