The second location we used in our trailer was a school. This allowed the audience to make a decision on what age our characters could be. The fact the protagonist is also walking in alone after just being shown with our second protagonist suggests some sort of issue or problem in their relationship. We chose to use the atrium as it is a large room which made Alice appear very isolated and inferior when walking through alone.
Our third location was in Millie's car, driving through a village. We wanted to create a shot where the protagonist, Alice, saw her love interest, Maggie, with someone else, in this case her boyfriend, Brad. So decided to use a car as this clearly separated the two of them more than if they were walking past each other on the street. The use of a village also creates the image of a smaller place, rather than a town and could imply that Alice has to see Maggie with her boyfriend quite often.
The fourth location we used was a bedroom. We used both my bedroom and Millie's bedroom in our film trailer. We used the location of a bedroom in our trailer as we thought this location would add to the intimacy of the storyline. I also though that putting the characters in their own 'personal space' would allow them to be more open with each other rather than in a public setting where they are supposed to be hiding their relationship.
Our fifth location was my living room. This was used for the same reasons as the bedroom location, it created a 'safe' place for Alice to be in which meant we could film her being her true self and not trying to hide her emotions for Maggie. My living also has warmer tones, which again created the atmosphere we wanted to portray.
The sixth location used was the dark room at school. This was a very important shot as Alice was scrolling through the social media feed, which included horrible tweets directed specifically to her. The use of the dark room made Alice appear extremely isolated and lonely. The light projected from the laptop screen onto her face was also enhanced by the complete darkness of the room, and drew complete attention to Alice's face and her emotions.
We then used Millie's living room as our seventh location, which is where the argument took place. We wanted this argument to be filmed in a private place, such as a house, because it allowed the characters to express their feelings more than if they had the argument in a public place. As Millie and I had decided to use a 360 degree shot to capture the argument, we thought that the living room was the perfect place, as the characters aren't always on screen and this meant there wouldn't just be a blank screen between turning to each character.
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