Thursday, 14 July 2016

The Narrative Image in Film Trailers

The main purpose of a trailer is to make people want to see the film. How does it go about doing this? John Ellis suggests that a trailer presents a 'narrative image' of the film. Basically giving us an idea. Ellis argues that the narrative image of a film is 'decidedly less than the whole film - it is the promise [of the film] and the film is the performance and realisation of that promise'.

Narrative Pleasures
- the trailer suggests the pleasures the film offers
- it needs to introduce something new, as well as build on our current knowledge
- it needs to use our awareness of genre, certain stars and what they've promised

Features of trailers
1. Avengers
2. the Hobit : Battle of the Five Armies

- What mystery do the trailers suggest (enigma)?
- How do the trailers build on the audiences previous knowledge of the films (familiar aspects)?
- What do they suggest is new?

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